Delete Sql Dump Files

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By: Sergey Gigoyan Updated: 2015-11-18 Comments (8) Related: More >Database Administration


In SQL Server Management Studio, open the MANAGEMENT folder, then right click on SQL SERVER LOGS and say CONFIGURE. Check the LIMIT ERROR LOGS box and set the number to 30 (a month's worth). Now, set up a new job in the SQL Agent that runs spcycleerrorlog every night at midnight. Delete old database backup files automatically in SQL Server using SQL Server Maintenance plan: SQL Server Maintenance plans are another way of deleting old backup files by using the cleanup task. When connected to the server, expand it and the Management folder after. Then right click on Maintenance Plans and click on Maintenance Plan Wizard. Since you are not providing any data it's hard to tell what's wrong with step 8 of your tutorial. However, to answer your question, I suppose you have imported the entire wordpress database: if the dump was not correct and you want to import it again, you should delete. The SQL DELETE Statement The DELETE statement is used to delete existing records in a table. Hi: When I run disk cleanup in Vista, it comes back with lots of different temporary files that I can delete (it 'ticks' them by default).

SQL Server allows to use more than one transaction log file, but the question arises whether it is necessaryand what is the benefit of having multiple transaction log files. There is a misconception among some developers that having multipletransaction log files can increase performance because SQL Server can use them in parallel. SQL Server usesonly one transaction log file at the moment and there is no parallelism in this case. Sometimes more than one log file can beneeded for the purpose of troubleshooting. So, normally there is no necessity to have more than one log file.Let’s consider a case, when our database has more than one log file and we should retain only one.This tip aims to describe how to remove unnecessary log files correctly and retain only one.


Before starting to illustrate how to remove unnecessary log files, let's briefly describe how SQL Server workswith log files: when database has more than one log file, SQL Server keeps writing to the first one until it's full,then switches to the second and so on. After the last log file becomes full SQL Server returns back to the first one and the cycle continues.However, as we mentioned, sometimes more than one log file may be required. For example when the disk, where the log file is locatedbecomes full and we need to create the second log file in another location, but after troubleshooting the problem,we should delete the second log file, because there is no use to have more than one log file.Now, let's assume that we have a database with two log files, and our task is to remove the second one.The following script creates the TestDB database with two log files and TestTable table. To run it by yourself, you will need to replace“D:SQL Data” with an existing folder path.

Now let's understand the transaction log physical structure: Internally transaction log file consist ofVirtual Log Files (VLF), which are the unit of management in the transaction log file. It means that when database engine grows or shrinksthe log file, it does that with complete VLFs (for example it can't shrink half ofthe VLF). The size of virtual log files as well astheir number in the physical log file isn't fixed and is managed dynamically bythe database engine. To monitorthe transaction log file internallywe use 'DBCC LOGINFO' command, which provides information about virtual log files. In the script below we used this command for our database:


And the result is the following:

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FileID is log file IDs for our database. Status indicates is VLF reusable ornot (possible values: 0 - yes, 2 -no). As we can see there is only one VLF withStatus=2. Now when we will insert data into the TestTable and monitor how log files are growing:

With this example we can see that both log files grew and now there are VLFs with 'Status=2' in the second log file (FileID=3) also:

Now we need to remove TestDB_log2.ldf file. Note, that we can remove only the secondary log files. Removingthe primary log file is not allowed by SQL Server.Each database has only one primary log file and the first log file which is created inthe database creation script is considered the primary.If we try to remove the second log file:


We will receive the following message:

Sql dump file reader

We can remove the transaction log file only when it's empty, therefore wefirst need to empty it.To do that, we should back up the transaction log. Since our 'TestDB' database isnewly created and there are no full backups, we needto issue a full database backup for the TestDB database, after which we canissue a transaction log backup:

The transaction log backup truncates the log file (there are some exceptions, which are out of scope of thistip). Log truncation deletes inactive virtual log files fromthe start of the logical log and releases space in the log file. However, truncation does not reduce the size of a physical log file. It only frees space in it,which can be reused. Let’s run 'DBCC LOGINFO' again:

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As we can see there are no virtual log files in the 'TestDB_log2.ldf' file with Status=2 and now our log file is empty and ready for removal:

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Ancient egypt predynastic period. The removal is successful.

However when we check log the information again, we will see that the logical log file still exists:

If we do another log backup, the file will be deleted:

Next Steps

Can I Delete Sql Dump Files

  • Keep this tip in mind to determine transaction log usage and how to remove anunneeded log file.
  • Check out these resources:

Last Updated: 2015-11-18

Delete Sql Dump Files Delete

About the author

Sql Dump File Location

Sergey Gigoyan is a database professional with more than 10 years of experience, with a focus on database design, development, performance tuning, optimization, high availability, BI and DW design.
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Delete Sql Dump Files Free

Sql Dump File Reader