Gibson Serial Numbers Mandolin
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- The serial number (when compared to the ones in Gibson records) will tell you within a few months of when your instrument was made. Also, with a dental mirror and flashlight, you should be able to see a different factory number up on the block where the neck meets the body inside the instrument.
- Re: Gibson mandolin serial numbers Originally Posted by allenhopkins S.P. Fjestad's Gibson Serialization from the Blue Book of Electric Guitars (linked to Gibson's website) gives the sequence for 1916 as 32000 to 39500 for all instruments, in an initial sequence starting at 100 and running to 9999 for the period 1902-1947.
Prior to serial numbers, the different instruments were identified by the Martin brand which was stamped into the. Martin Serial Numbers: Mandolins. Thus, the older Gibson guitars may have a serial number and a Factory Order Number. Electric Guitars built at the Gibson USA plant in Nashville are ranked from 500-999. Prior to 1984, the numbers 001-499 show Kalamazoo production, 500-999 show Nashville production. The serial numbers from the Custom, Art, and Historic division vary depending on the line. The historic reissue guitars feature historically accurate serial numbers. DATING GUITARS AND MANDOLINS BY REFERENCE OF SERIAL NUMBERS. Example of a Gibson serial number: A real serial number is stamped dark on the back of the headstock. A fake serial number is usually in white. Brands such as Gibson, Fender, PRS or other renowned brands also issue a certificate of authenticity, but this can also be used for fraud.
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serial number Year(s)
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Gibson Mandolin Price Guide
410901 to 419999 unknown
420000 to 429193 1966
500000 to 500999 1965, 1966, 1968, or 1969
501009 to 501600 1965
501601 to 501702 1968
501703 to 502706 1965 or 1968
503010 to 503109 1968
503405 to 520955 1965 or 1968
520956 to 530056 1968
530061 to 530850 1966, 1968, or 1969
530851 to 530993 1968 or 1969
530994 to 539999 1969
540000 to 540795 1966 or 1969
540796 to 545009 1969
555000 to 557999 1966
558000 to 567400 1969
570087 to 570643 1966
570645 to 570755 1966 or 1967
570857 to 570964 1966
580000 to 580080 1969
580086 to 580999 1966, 1967 or 1969
600000 to 600998 low end models, 1966, 1967, or 1968
600000 to 606090 high end models, 1969
700000 to 700799 1966, 1967 or 1969
750000 to 750999 1968 or 1969
800000 to 800999 1966, 1967, 1968 or 1969
801000 to 812838 1966 or 1969
812900 to 819999 1969
820000 to 820087 1966 or 1969
820088 to 823830 1966
824000 to 824999 1969
828002 to 847488 1966 or 1969
847499 to 858999 1966 or 1969
859001 to 895038 1967
895039 to 896999 1968
897000 to 898999 1967 or 1969
899000 to 899999 1968
900000 to 901999 1970
910000 to 999999 1968